Planning Applications

For full details of the Parish Council's comment please see minutes of meetings.

January 2025

  • 24/03106/FULL Marble Meadow, Cranbrook Road.  Retrospective - construction of shed for forestry purposes.
  • 24/03209/NMAMD Beacon Fold, Rolvenden Road. Non-Material Amendment in relation to 24/00548/FULL Installation of 43No. PV Panels. Removal of 1no. window on south elevation & installation of 1no. window on east elevation.

December 2024

  • 24/02802/LBC Gibbons School House, The Street. Reinstatement of collapsed ceiling to an existing store room to the rear of the house. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02803/LBC Gibbons School House, The Street. Addition of 4 roof lights to the rear of the property. (Works already carried out). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02868/FULL Culpeppers, Coldharbour Road. Minor Material Amendment of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 23/01223/FULL - (Alterations to; increase/changes to Building Design, Height & Size; External Materials; Garage Design & Size; Landscaping). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01767/FULL Land At Netters Farm, Attwaters Lane, Hawkhurst. Development of solar array, battery storage and associated infrastructure (resubmission of 23/02067/FULL). The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 24/01768/FULL Land At Lower Ellenden Farm, Water Lane, Hawkhurst. Development of solar array, battery storage and associated infrastructure (resubmission of 23/02067/FULL). The Parish Council objects to this application.

November 2024

  • 24/02582/FULL Old Eaton Oast, Goddards Green Road. Excavation of earth & installation of swimming pool, pool hut, heat pump, water filtration system and associated electrics; associated earthworks, installation of a patio area & associated planting. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02674/FULL Old Manor House, Cranbrook Road. Replace 42m of close board broken fence. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 24/02357/FULL St Georges Church. Single-storey extension to Southwest corner & wheelchair access to North porch. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02736/FULL Beacon Oaks Cottage, Rolvenden Road.  Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission  24/01590/FULL - Addition of two roof dormers & amendments to external fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00875/FULL School Farm, Cranbrook Road. Replacement of existing dwelling to create four bedroom dwelling, together with associated garage and car parking. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02699/FULL Springhill Oast, Standen Street. (Retrospective) Conversion of ground floor of former car port to create annexe. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02700/FULL Springhill Oast, Standen Street. Extension and conversion of stables to garaging. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02698/FULL Springhill Oast, Standen Street. Retrospective. Swimming pool. The Parish Council supports this application.

October 2024

  • 24/02398/FULL Barefield, Cranbrook Road Two storey and single storey rear extension with internal reconfiguration. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02447/FULL White Cottage, New Pond Road. Demolition of existing conservatory and replacement single storey extension with associated internal alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02099/AGRIC Hill Top Farm, Hinksden Road. Prior Notification of agricultural development - Erection of agricultural building. Application withdrawn.

September 2024

  • 23/02523/FULL Uphill , New Pond Road. Erection of 22 no. dwellings with associated access works, tree works, landscaping and parking, following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. Revised details. The Parish Council objects to these revisions.
  • 24/02187/FULL Timber Building And Land Dingleden. Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 24/01131/FULL - (Amendments to approved plans). The Parish Council makes no comment.

August 2024

  • 24/01828/FULL Nightingale Barn, Goddards Green Road. Change of use of home office/studio into holiday let including first floor extension, alterations to fenestration and roof lights and raised timber deck. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01791/TPO The Rectory, The Green. TREES: 3no. OAK (T1) - Remove deadwood, reduce 4no. overextended limbs; (T3 & T4) - Remove faulted limbs. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01725/FULL Hinxden Farm, Hinksden Road. Change of use of land to residential curtilage, provision of driveway, erection of a double garage, demolition of single storey extensions and erection of a two storey side extension and associated works. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01668/FULL and 24/01669/LBC Netters Hall, Attwaters Lane, Hawkhurst. Extension of C19th addition to farmhouse to accommodate a utility and boiler room. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01672/FULL Beaufort Cottage, Iden Green Road. Erection of a yurt. The Parish Council raises no objection.
  • 24/01999/FULL Duck Cottage, 1 Rolvenden Road. Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 23/00126/FULL - Roof to half-hip the gable end, reduce lower brick wall, reposition bi-fold doors to north west elevation replacing with door & window, addition of 2no. rooflights to southwest roof. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/02062/PNR Forest Farm, Nineveh Lane. Prior Notification under Class R for a change of use of 3 agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use.

July 2024

  • 24/01581/FULL 7 Vere Meadows. Single storey rear extension and installation of bi-fold doors. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01409/FULL Roman Way, Cranbrook Road. Addition of 2 dormers to NE elevation, 1 dormer & balcony to SW elevation, alterations to NW & NE ground floor fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01590/FULL Beacon Oaks Cottage, Rolvenden Road. Variation of Condition 2 of 22/01269/FULL - Amendments to layout to include side extension to north elevation, extension of living/dining area, changes to fenestration, and removal of carport. Outbuilding and replacement extension to be joined under one gable ended roof, with dropped eaves to one side. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01647/FULL Townfield House, Cranbrook Road.  Proposed single storey rear extension, entrance canopy, side porch, replacement doors and windows, part timber cladding to facade, associated landscaping works. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01146/FULL Land At Reed Wood Farm, Mill Street. Retention of forestry building (Retrospective). The Parish Council objects to this application.

June 2024

  • 24/01343/FULL Lilac Cottage, Iden Green Road. Erection of detached garage with store and home office. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01408/FULL Hilbury Mill, Street Iden Green. Removal of Condition 3(b) of Planning Permission WE/5/62/200 (25.10.1963) - Allow unrestricted use of property. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01437/SUB [Former] Benenden C of E Primary School, The Green -  Submission of Details in Relation to Condition 9 (External Lighting) of 22/02277/FULL. The Parish Council objects to this application.

May 2024

  • 24/00875/FULL School Farm, Cranbrook Road. Replacement of existing dwelling to create five bedroom dwelling, together with associated garage and car parking. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01092/FULL Beacon Hall Farm, Rolvenden Road. Removal of Condition 5 relating to agricultural occupancy of planning permission 82/01069/OUT. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01159/FULL Under Mount, Cranbrook Road. Variation of Condition 2 of 22/01692/FULL - Adjustments to the design including: Erection of a balcony on rear elevation of two-storey side extension; Amendments to roof lights on front elevation of two-storey side extension; Addition of sun tunnels on rear elevation; Addition of solar panels on to roof. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01131/FULL Timber Building And Land Dingleden. Change use of former agricultural building into a 4 bedroom dwelling. 
  • 23/03274/FULL Benenden Hospital Goddards Green Road - further consultation required on review of applicant submitted Viability Position (April 2024). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/01210/AGRIC Hilltop Farm, Hinksden Road. Prior Notification of agricultural development — Erection of agricultural barn. The Parish Council objects to this application.

April 2024

  • 24/00495/FULL Hill Top Farm, Hinksden Road. Variation of Conditions 2 & 4 of 20/00039/FULL - adjustments to layout and alter use to mixed agricultural storage. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 24/00731/FULL Barn To The South Of Great Nineveh Farm, Nineveh Lane. Conversion to dwelling with detached garage, terrace and swimming pool & change of use of land (Part retrospective). The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 24/00722/REM Land Adjacent Rothermere Close, Walkhurst Road. Approval of Reserved Matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to Hybrid application 19/00822/HYBRID; and submission of conditions 2 - (Details), 7 - (Existing Building), 14 - (Garaging, Parking and Turning), 16 - (EV Charging Points), 18 - (Renewable Energy), 20 - (External Materials), 21 - (Existing and Proposed Levels), 24 - (Safeguarding Trees) and 30 - (Hard and Soft Landscaping). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00813/FULL Car Park Opposite, Woodcock Inn, Woodcock Lane. Installation of retaining oak sleeper wall around perimeter of car park. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 24/00834/FULL The Garden House, Standen Street. Two-storey rear extension, alterations to fenestration on side elevations (resubmission of 21/00766/FULL). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00694/LBC Duck Cottage,1 Rolvenden Road. Variation of Condition 2 in Relation to 23/00127/LBC - Change proposed extension roof to half-hip. The Parish Council supports this application.

March 2024

  • 24/00459/FULL Nineveh Cottage, Nineveh Lane. Proposed two-storey rear and single-storey side extension, replacement garage, open porch, 4 roof dormers and 2 rooflights. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00499/FULL 3 Admirals Walk, Golford Road. Demolition of single storey side extension and side chimney and erection of two storey side extension with single storey lean-to. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00626/FULL Finns Barn, Standen Street. Single-storey front extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/03274/FULL Benenden Hospital, Goddards Green Road. Amended drawings addressing consultation responses. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00548/FULL Beacon Fold, Rolvenden Road. Erection of a dwelling (including partial retention of existing stable building). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00645/FULL Windmill Cottage, Goddards Green Road. Provision of driveway and access. The Parish Council supports this application.

February 2024

  • 24/00228/FULL The Oast House, Great Nineveh, Nineveh Lane. Installation of 2no. rooflights on inward facing roof of roundels and installation of log burning stove with black painted flue between the two roundels. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/03502/FULL The Forest, Nineveh Lane.  Installation of solar panels and wood burning stove to games room. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00227/FULL Benenden C Of E Primary School, The Green. Change of design from 2 proposed dormer windows to 2 conservation rooflights. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 24/00210/FULL Upper Frogs Hole, Frogs Hole Lane. Alterations to fenestration, new door and porch canopy, Widen sunroom walls, New and re-stained/repainted cladding. The Parish Council supports this application.

January 2024

15th January :

  • 23/03274/FULL Benenden Hospital Goddards Green Road. Demolition of all former hospital buildings, 6 no. residential dwellings (High View, Millfield, Nos. 1 and 2 Mills Cottages, Owlscott and Mayscott) existing tennis courts, car park and vegetation; Erection of 87 no. residential dwellings (including affordable homes), relocated car park, new public open spaces, sustainable urban drainage system and landscaping including biodiversity areas and play areas. Access to be from the existing and new access locations on Goddard's Green Road, Green Lane and Mockbeggar Lane. Provision of new pumping station, roads, parking spaces and earthworks. The Parish Council supports this application.

8th January :

  • 23/03086/FULL 14 Rothermere Close. Porch infill extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/03312/FULL Stable Cottage, The Green. Demolition of existing rear lean-to addition and erection of a replacement extension to enlarge existing kitchen and create new utility and boot room. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/03377/ADV Benenden Girls School. Advertisement - New double-sided unilluminated freestanding totem sign. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/03486/REM Land At The Kitty Fisher, The Street. Approval of Reserved Matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout, scale) following 22/00162/OUT Erection of a two-storey pitched roof 4 bed detached dwelling. The Parish Council supports this application.

December 2023

  • 23/03186/FULL 15 Rothermere Close. Installation of conservatory at the front of property. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/03248/LBC Benenden C Of E Primary School, The Green. Proposed 2 no. dormer windows to be replaced with 2 no. conservation rooflights (Amendment from approved consent 22/02278/LBC). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02708/TPO Grange Cottage, The Green. CHERRY - reduction in branch overhang by 3 metres. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/03257/FULL Beacon Mill Cottage, Rolvenden Road. Conversion and extension of agricultural building into residential dwelling together with revised roof, associated change of use of land to residential curtilage, construction of a detached garage (Resubmission of planning approval ref: 20/01215/FULL (Part-retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.

November 2023

  • 23/02866/FULL and 23/02867/LBC Tile Barn House, Standen Street. Internal and external alterations to the listed barn to bring it into residential use and to connect it to the existing oast house. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02824/FULL 2 Pullington Cottages. Demolition of existing conservatory, replacement single storey rear extension, two storey side extension. Erection of 1.8m closeboard fence. The Parish Council made comment on this application.
  • 23/02825/TPO Orchard Cottage, Mill Street. Trees: RED OAK (T1) - Reduce lateral branches growing towards house by 2 meters back to previous points; OAK (T2) - Works Crown lift over garden to a height of 4.5 meters. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02832/REM Land At Standen Street. Approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping & layout) following 23/01591/FULL - Erection of five dwellings; and submission of details in relation to Condition 9 - (Landscaping); Condition 10 - (Parking); Condition 12 - (Refuse Storage); Condition 13 - (Levels, Survey & Cross-sections) of 19/00362/OUT. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02847/TPO Nightingale Barn, Goddards Green Road. Trees: MATURE OAK - reduce branches on roof line of barn by 1-2metres, reduce large over-extended horizontal 24ft branch on left of tree by 4 metres. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02937/LBC Yew Tree House, Walkhurst Road. Internal alterations including: enlargement of existing bathroom, removal of existing partition walls and closing up of doorways, creation of x2 new bathrooms, insertion of partition walls, install two roof lights in front roof plane. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02955/FULL and 23/02956/LBC The Cottage, Iden Green Road. Replace existing staircase in lounge and replace front door. Further detail required.
  • 23/03022/FULL Holly Cottage, Iden Green Road. Demolition of existing outbuilding, utility and porch and construction of new two storey side extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

October 2023

  • 23/02618/FULL Redwood, Cranbrook Road. Reconfiguration and alterations to dwelling including removal of linked garage, relocation and creation of all ground floor fenestration, a first-floor extension to front and rear with standing seam roof with solar panels between seams, vertical extension to create second floor, rear facing dormers, vertical thermal wall cladding to exterior, and water harvesting, and erection of detached studio in the garden. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02648/FULL Land To The West Of Beacon House, Rolvenden Road. Reinstatement of vehicle access to field from Benenden Road (Part-Retrospective). The Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
  • 23/02681/FULL St Margarets Cottage, Goddards Green Road. Change of use from school hall to single dwelling including works to roof at rear of property. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02523/FULL Uphill, New Pond Road. Erection of 22 no. dwellings with associated access works, tree works, landscaping and parking, following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. The Parish Council supports this application.

September 2023

  • 23/02274/FULL Stable Cottage, Nineveh Lane. Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 22/02931/FULL (Conversion of former stable building for purposes incidental to the main dwelling. Reinstatement of historic mansard roof.) - Replacement of rear rooflights with 3 no. dormer windows
  • 23/02067/FULL Land At Netters Farm Attwaters Lane, Hawkhurst. Proposed Development of a Photovoltaic Solar Array, Battery Storage and Associated Infrastructure (Resubmission of 22/01695/FULL). The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 23/02298/FULL Apple Garth (Land Rear) Cranbrook Road. Installation of solar panels for domestic use. The Parish Council supports this application.

August 2023

  • 23/01925/LBC Woodside, Iden Green Road. Installation of through floor lift. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01953/FULL West Winds, Cranbrook Road. Replace the existing dwelling and garage with a new 4 no. bedroom dwelling, garage and swimming pool. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01897/FULL Waters End Farm, Standen Street. Replacement dwellling and associated landscaping including the creation of a lake. The Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
  • 23/02172/FULL and 23/02173/LBC Pympne Manor, Pympne Road. Single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02131/LBC Campion House, Standen Street.  Listed Building Consent - Full replacement of southern sill and partial of northern, removal of cement from panels and re-rendering of panels, door leaves removed, serviced and repaired with dry oak, window casements to be removed and serviced with subframes repaired, installation of 2 no. ferrous retaining straps, and wood burner installation. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/02218/FULL and 23/02219/LBC Brick Kiln, Walkhurst Road. Two-storey southern extension and one-storey northern extension, first floor extension, restructuring of internal layout, replacement of all windows and installation of additional dormer window to the first floor. The Parish Council supports this application.

July 2023

  • 23/01467/FULL King Charles Cottage, Mill Street, Iden Green. Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 19/01051/FULL - Extension added to the rear of the building and change in surface materials. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 23/01432/FULL 1 Beacon Hall Farm, Rolvenden Road. Develop redundant farm building within the curtilage of Beacon Hall Farm to a mixed use as a residential annexe with some use for tourist accommodation; removal of existing derelict garden shed; erection of timber frame garage, shed and workshop building; installation of sewage treatment plant. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01591/FULL Land At Standen Street. Variation of Condition 3 of Planning Permission 19/00362/OUT - Amend Condition 3 to replace approved drawings to facilitate changes to the scale of plots 3, 4 and 5. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 23/01203/FULL Parsonage Farm, Cranbrook Road. Convert garage into playroom with glazed end window to west elevation. The Parish Council supports this application.

June 2023

  • 23/01223/FULL Culpeppers, Coldharbour Road Proposed replacement dwelling (resubmission of 22/03419/FULL). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01134/FULL Woodstock, Goddards Green Road Erection of porch, Conversion of loft into living accommodation with dormer windows and associated fenestration, Installation of 4 no. rooflights on front elevation, Replacement of existing rooflights to rear elevation, Removal of existing chimney, Addition of fenestration and doors, Formation of raised decking with balustrade. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01210/LBC The Potting Shed, Hole Park, Benenden Road, Rolvenden Listed Building Consent - Extension to existing dwelling, removal of sheds, installation of solar panels (refers 23/00285/FULL). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01290/FULL Cattsford Farm, Dingleden Erection of new rural dwelling ancillary to the existing forestry contractor's business. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01345/FULL Barnhill, Dingleden Farm Road Single storey side extension and new front porch. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/01327/FULL Bankside Farm Buildings, Standen Street Change of use and conversion of existing redundant agricultural buildings into 3 no. dwellings with associated landscaping. The Parish Council supports this application.

May 2023

  • 23/00865/FULL Finns Barn, Standen Street. Erection of detached oak framed garage (amendment to scheme approved under 22/01852/FULL) to add an additional bay. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/00875/FULL Bramleys, Apple Pie Farm. Erection of single storey rear orangery extension, Addition of side dormer, Replacement dormer to rear, Replacement of all existing cladding to black composite cladding. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/00781/FULL Benton Hoppers, Dingleden. Conversion and renovation of semi-derelict building to holiday accommodation. The Parish Council supports this application.23/00929/FULL Hoads Brook, Goddards Green Road. Change of use of detached annex to form a separate residential dwelling with amenity garden, existing parking and access, and existing home office/studio; Erection of a new boundary fence with hedge. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/00924/FULL and 23/01104/LBC Old Eaton Oast, Goddards Green Road. Variation of Condition 2 of 22/03244/FULL - Amend approved drawings for changes to fenestration, doors and roof materials. The Parish Council supports this application.

April 2023

  • 23/00618/FULL Apple Garth, Cranbrook Road. Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single-storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

March 2023

  • 23/00422/LBC Weald House, Mill Street. Stud wall and ceiling removal, Internal remodelling. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/00318/FULL Under Mount, Cranbrook Road. Erection of double garage with extended hardstanding. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/00410/LBC Benenden C Of E Primary School, The Green. Alterations to previously approved Planning Permission 22/02278/LBC including Installation of electric vehicle chargers mounted on Northern and Eastern elevations, Replacement of entrance screen with new door, Installation of gas meter boxes, replacement of two dormer windows on Northern elevation to match southern dormers, installation of stove into existing fire place of Unit 1, adjustment of uncovered wooden timber screen to allow new door way to bedroom floor. The Parish Council does not support this application.
  • 23/00482/FULL and 23/00483/LBC White Chimneys, Nineveh Lane. Erection of single-storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

February 2023

  • 23/00126/FULL and 23/00127/LBC Duck Cottage, 1 Rolvenden Road. Ground floor rear extension, the addition of a rear dormer window, replacement windows and internal alterations. The Parish Council does not support this application.
  • 22/03419/FULL Culpeppers, Coldharbour Road. Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, erection of new replacement dwelling, erection of outbuildings including replacement garage and swimming pool. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 22/03019/FULL School Farm, Cranbrook Road. Partial conversion and extension of existing part office, part residential building with associated garage, garden land, parking, landscaping, and biodiversity enhancements. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/00285/FULL The Potting Shed Hole Park, Benenden Road, Rolvenden. Extension to existing dwelling, removal of shed, installation of solar panels. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 23/00188/OUT Broughton House, Rolvenden Road. Outline Application: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale Reserved: Demolition of existing structures and storage uses and erection of a detached bungalow. The Parish Council does not support this application.
  • 23/00085/FULL Cottenden, Stepneyford Lane. Extension to garage, stationing of a mobile shepherd’s hut for purposes incidental to the main house, erection of garden shed. The Parish Council supports this application.

January 2023

  • 22/03567/FULL and 22/03568/LBC Netters Hall, Attwaters Lane, Hawkhurst  Replacement of sunroom with double storey rear/side extension, first Floor side/rear extension, internal alterations, erection of separate new boiler building. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03489/FULL Broad Oaks, Frogs Hole Lane Change of use of existing outbuilding to form a carer's annexe including erection of rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03618/LBC The Old Livery Stables, The Green Repairs and reinforcement to the timber frame. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03583/NMAMD 6 Vere Meadows Non material amendment in relation to 22/02438/FULL — (Installation of two windows in South East elevation).
  • 22/03683/FULL The Forest, Nineveh Lane Demolition of existing outbuildings, Erection of replacement outbuildings. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03673/LBC The Forest, Nineveh Lane Insulation and re-tiling of existing roof. The Parish Council supports this application.

December 2022

  • 22/03317/FULL Pympne Manor, Pympne Road. Erection of tennis court and associated landscaping. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03188/FULL and 22/03189/LBC Field Farm House, Coldharbour Road. Refurbishment of a derelict barn for use as a short term holiday let. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03288/FULL Millers Meadow, Cranbrook Road. Erection of single storey rear extension, alterations to front porch, external materials and fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.

November 2022

  • 22/03137/FULL Beacon House, Rolvenden Road. Conversion of single storey stable barn into a 4-bed dwelling. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03070/FULL Pympne Farm Cottage, Pympne Road. Demolition modern agricultural infill between the Cottage and parallel outbuilding to reinstate the enclosed yard, Remove and rebuild utility area, Reinstate original openings to consist of new glazed elements. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03019/FULL School Farm, Cranbrook Road. Partial conversion and extension of existing part office, part residential building with associated garage, garden land, parking, landscaping, and biodiversity enhancement. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03149/FULL Trafford House, Dingleden. Installation of x20 solar panel array on a ground mounted frame on gravel base. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02295/FULL Wycherleys, Iden Green Road. Erection of single-storey pitched roof rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02850/FULL 5 Cherryfields. Removal of damaged cracking pathway and replacement in permeable block paving from boundary to front door. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03185/FULL and 22/03186/LBC Field Farm House, Coldharbour Road. Removal of existing entrance porch and infill flat roof section, Erection of single storey timber clad extension to form front entrance, Removal of modern internal partitions and modern ceiling to create double height void on ground floor, Removal of modern partitions at first floor, Erection of new roof level extension to link existing hipped roofs and new staircase to second floor, New dormer windows to south elevation, Replacement of existing uPVC external cladding with new timber cladding, Removal of existing water solar panels and to be replaced with new PV array, Extension to existing path to form guest parking area, Erection of estate railing to pond edge, Alterations to car parking for coach house and main house, Associated landscaping and new landscaped path with wider timber gates, Removal of existing external staircase to coach house, New timber clad enclosure. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/03244/FULL and 22/03245/LBC Old Eaton Oast, Goddards Green Road. Erection of single storey rear extension, Insertion of inglenook fireplace, Alterations to existing fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.

October 2022

  • 22/02567/FULL Great Nineveh Farm, The Oast, Nineveh Lane. Conversion of redundant barn to create one new dwelling with associated detached garage, terracing and swimming pool, associated change of use of land including landscape and biodiversity enhancement. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 22/02931/FULL Stable Cottage, Nineveh Lane. Conversion of former stable building for purposes incidental to the main dwelling. Reinstatement of historic mansard roof. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02853/FULL Frame Farm , Iden Green Road. Proposal to erect a retractable swimming pool enclosure over an existing swimming pool. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02963/FULL The Bothy, The Street. Erection of two storey extension to existing bungalow with internal alterations and dormer windows; erection of loft conversion into dormer with windows; alteration of existing barn to games room and artist’s studio with new fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.

September 2022

  • 22/02043/OUT Culpeppers, Coldharbour Road. Outline permission (All matters reserved) - Residential Development containing 8 detached dwellings. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 22/02438/FULL 6 Vere Meadows. Erection of a single storey flat roof infill rear extension, associated internal and external hard landscaping alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02277/FULL and 22/02278/LBC Benenden C Of E Primary School, The Green. Change of Use and conversion of buildings from School to dwellings including 2 new dormer windows, new rooflights and various repairs and alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02359/FULL Barrow, Halden Lane. Replacement of existing conservatory with new sunroom and provision of a new glazed link porch. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02302/LBC Frame Farm, Iden Green Road. Remodelling of an existing second floor master bedroom, dressing room and bathroom. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02451/FULL The Barn House, Cranbrook Road. Proposed revised garage to approved scheme 21/03599/FULL.  The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02634/FULL Upper Scullsgate, Hinksden Road. Demolition and rebuilding of existing 1930's extension, removal of existing kitchen window and insertion of French Doors and repositioning of retaining wall to enlarge patio. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01999/FULL & 22/02000/LBC Plummers Barn, Halden Lane. New extension at first floor, revisions to windows on East Elevation, revisions to entrance hall and staircase. The Parish Council supports this application.

August 2022

  • 22/02088/LBC Forge House, The Street. Listed Building Consent: Repairs and alterations to dwelling including Insulate floors, repair walls and ceilings, new wiring, new boiler and heating system, Alterations to external door. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02150/FULL Forge House, The Street. Change of use from storage to office and renovation of 'The Old Forge'. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01065/FULL Hopehouse Hens, Standen Street. Stationing of a mobile home & timber shed for an agricultural worker for a period of three years (Part Retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01692/FULL Under Mount, Cranbrook Road. Demolition of existing single-storey side extension; Erection of two-storey side extension; Addition of two rear-facing gabled dormers; Erection of new entrance porch; Extension and conversion of existing garage; Addition of outdoor swimming pool; Associated landscaping. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/02099/FULL Old Eaton Oast, Goddards Green Road. Erection of a Summerhouse. The Parish Council supports this application.

July 2022

  • 22/01852/FULL Finns Barn, Standen Street. Erection of detached oak framed garage. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01695/FULL Netters Farm, Attwaters Lane, Hawkhurst. Proposed Development of a Photovoltaic Solar Array, Battery Storage and Associated Infrastructure. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 22/01748/FULL Dulwich Preparatory School, Course Horn Lane, Cranbrook. Refurbish and remodel of existing teaching block, addition of new rear windows, roof lights, external grilles and air conditioning unit, addition of photovoltaic cells to roof, door alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01948/LBC Dingleden House, Dingleden (Retrospective Listed Building Consent) To remove poor and failing recent historic detail of replaced jetting and repair structural timbers, reinstate timber frame supporting wall under jetting and finish to detail in sympathy with the surrounding building fabric. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01880/FULL Shirley Cottage, The Street. Proposed second floor to create larger attic bedroom with en-suite including alterations to existing roof form to the rear, alterations to ground floor rear fenestration (retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.

June 2022

  • 22/01283/FULL Gable End, New Pond Road. Proposed first and second floor extension including hip to gable extension with associated internal alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01186/FULL Apple Garth, Cranbrook Road. Erection of single-storey front extension, re-submission of expired application 19/00425/FULL. The Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
  • 22/01352/FULL Hengist House, Rolvenden Road. Alterations to approved application 20/00871/FULL & 17/02968/FULL (Alterations to external materials, Alterations to proposed extensions, Erection of conservatory). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01269/FULL Beacon House, Rolvenden Road. Change of use of existing outbuilding to a residential dwelling. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01540/FULL Hilltop Cottages , Dingleden. Proposed single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01634/LBC Forge House, The Street. Replace wooden bay window with new double glazed wooden bay window, with the same dimensions and shape. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01665/LBC The Queens Well. Replacement pad-stones and essential repairs to timber frame structure and roof. The Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
  • 22/01657/LBC Pumping Station Standen Street. Essential repairs to timber structure and roof. The Parish Council makes no comment on this application.

May 2022

  • 22/01117/FULL 5-7 Wood Lane. Change of use of nos. 5 and 7 Wood Lane from creche childcare facility to residential dwellings. (Retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01055/FULL Dene Hollow, Frogs Hole Lane. Removal of Condition iii (Agricultural Occupancy) of planning approval WE/5/71/115. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01271/NMAMD Land adjacent Telephone Exchange, New Pond Road. Non material amendment in relation to window colour, weatherboarding. The Parish Council makes no comment on this amendment.
  • 22/00655/FULL 2 Hilltop Cottages, Dingleden. Erection of two storey extension, additional single storey extension to the rear and detached car port. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01120/FULL and 22/01121/LBC Tile Barn House, Standen Street. Internal and external alterations to the Listed Barn to bring it into residential use and to connect it to the existing Oast house along with refurbishment of the Oast House. The Parish Council supports this application.

April 2022

  • 22/00021/FULL Redhouse Barn, Goddards Green Road. Conversion and extension of rural barn and its curtilage to residential use; demolition of three existing outbuildings and erection of new garage/stable building. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 22/00856/TPO T1 - Large Oak Tree (located next to Rolvenden Road) Benenden Recreation Ground - Tree to be removed to ground level with the potential to be replanted. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00866/FULL The Copper House, Hinksden Road. Install solar panels on a flat garage roof. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/01034/FULL 9 Vere Meadows. Erection of two storey extension to the rear of the property. The Parish Council supports this application.

March 2022

  • 22/00555/FULL Pympne Manor Farm, Pympne Road. Erection of a glasshouse in the garden of Pympne Manor. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00469/LBC The Old Livery Stables, The Green. Listed Building Consent - Installation of an electric car charging point, mounted on the side of the wall. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00536/FULL The Parsonage, Cranbrook Road. Variation of Condition 2 of 21/01503/FULL - Raise side extension's ceiling height by raising the parapet roof by 225mm. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00262/FULL The Coach House, Field Farm House. Conversion and alterations to the existing Coach House to form holiday let for residential tourism accommodation. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00655/FULL 2 Hilltop Cottages, Dingleden. Erection of two storey extension, additional single storey extension to the rear. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00160/FULL & 22/00161/LBC The Kitty Fisher. Amendments to proposal – single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00759/TPO 1 Kennedy House, Leybourne Dell. G1 conifers to crown lift lower branches 2.5m from ground level, reduce top by 4m from tips, side prune sides by 0.5m - 1m leaving green. Remove 2x snapped branches inside compound. The Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
  • 22/00160/FULL and 22/00161/LBC Flat, The Kitty Fisher, The Street. Remove the existing single-storey rear extension and replace with a new two-storey pitched roof rear extension; Erection of a single storey rear flat roof extension with lantern light over. The Parish Council commented on this application.
  • 22/00162/OUT Land at The Kitty Fisher, The Street. Outline permission (all matters reserved). Erection of a two-storey pitched roof 4 bed detached dwelling. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00290/FULL Stable Cottage, Nineveh Lane. Conversion of existing stable block to habitable rooms with a balcony and addition of first floor within new pitched roof. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00263/LBC Listed Building Consent. The Coach House, Field Farm House, Coldharbour Road. Conversion and alterations to the existing Coach House to form holiday let - for residential tourism accommodation. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00280/FULL Frame Farm, Iden Green Road. Provision of 19 additional car parking spaces in a new overspill parking area. The Parish Council supports this application.

February 2022

  • 21/04198/FULL Little Gates Dingleden. Proposed change of use of existing garage / store building to form holiday let accommodation with associated private amenity. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00173/FULL and 22/00174/LBC Eaton Cottage, Goddards Green Road. Demolition of existing single storey rear lean to; Erection of 1.5 storey side extension and single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02575/FULL Revised details. Land At Nineveh Lane, Benenden. Installation of a reservoir for horticultural irrigation purposes, pump house, and extension to an existing farm track. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00337/SUB Hoads Brook, Goddards Green Road. Submission of details to Condition 5 (External Lighting) for application 15/505326/FULL. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 22/00460/TCA Old Manor House Cottage, Cranbrook Road. Reduction in height or felling of numerous trees around the site. The Parish Council makes no comment.

January 2022

  • 21/04154/FULL Highway Access Land To The South Of South Cottage, Nineveh Lane.  Modifications to Existing Highway Access to Serve Agricultural Land. The Parish Council supports this application.

December 2021

  • 21/01392/FULL Land Adjacent To 2 Hague Cottages, Coldharbour Road. Change of use of agricultural land to residential. Construction of two semi-detached houses and garages. Redesign of the application approved under application number 20/01265/FULL.  The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03764/FULL Lake Wood, Standen Street. Change of Use from Water and Woodland Management to siting of timber shed, implement store. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21/03894/FULL Bishopsdale, Biddenden. Change of Use of land for the siting of five shepherds huts to be used for holiday use within deer park with associated parking and amenity facilities. The Parish Council supports this application.

November 2021

  • 21/03444/FULL  Field Farm House, Coldharbour Road. Erection of proposed single storey outbuilding. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02327/FULL Hopehouse Hens, Hopehouse Lane. Excavation works to pond (Retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03552/FULL 1 Claremont Place, Chapel Lane. Single storey rear extension and Side porch addition with storage. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03599/FULL The Barn House, Cranbrook Road. Alterations to fenestration of house and replace existing garage/log store. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03588/FULL Stable Cottage, The Green.  Demolish existing rear lean-to and replace with similar size rear extension for ancillary use (utility and shower room), internal alterations including addition of bedroom/office on ground floor, addition of small balcony to serve master bedroom, replacement and upgrade of some windows and porch. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03581/FULL Plum Tree Cottage, Halden Lane. Proposed garden outbuilding. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21/03664/FULL Broomhill, Dingleden. Proposed single storey infill extension to north elevation. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03687/FULL 2 Century Cottage, Rolvenden Road. Single storey side extension, infill porch and permeable hard standing for one additional vehicle. The Parish Council supports this application.

October 2021

  • 21/02575/FULL Land At Nineveh Lane. Installation of a reservoir for horticultural irrigation purposes, pump house, and extension to an existing farm track. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02947/FULL Under Mount, Cranbrook Road. Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian; erection of proposed stables and associated riding menage, tractor store and muck heap. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21/03277/SUB Beacon Hall House, Rolvenden RoadSubmission of details in relation to Condition 1 (Date of Commencement), Condition 2 (Approved Plans), Condition 3 (External Materials), Condition 4 (Proposed Fencing), Condition 5 (Proposed Ecological Enhancement), Condition 6 (External Lighting), Condition 7 (Foul Sewage Treatment) and Condition 9 (Landscaping Scheme) of 19/00779/FULL.  The Parish Council objects to this application in respect of Condition 6 (External Lighting)
  • 21/03398/LBC Cattsford, Dingleden. Listed Building Consent: Installation of 2 no. recessed conservation rooflights within catslide roof.The Parish Council supports this application
  • 21/03388/LBC Cattsford, Dingleden. Listed Building Consent: Removal of rendered chimney on North West elevation. The Parish Council supports this application.

September 2021

  • 21/02571/LBC 1 Corner Cottages Cranbrook Road. Listed Building Consent - Temporarily remove the existing brick floors in the dining room and lounge, dig out 270 mm of soil, place a concrete underlay of 100mm, a damp proof membrane, 50 mm of rigid insulation, underfloor heating pipes and 75 mm of screed, and then replace the bricks on top. the dining room bricks will be relayed in the currently existing stretcher bond, while the lounge will be re-laid in the currently present herringbone pattern. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02862/FULL Barnhill Dingleden Farm Road. Single storey side extension; two new canopy porches; and new rooflight. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02714/FULL Land Adjacent To Standen Street. Material change of use of land to mixed use for agriculture, equestrian and to include stationing of caravans for residential occupation with associated operational development, additional hard standing, repositioned manure store (Part Retrospective).  The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21/03012/FULL  Little Nineveh, Nineveh Lane.  Erection of veranda to the front of the property and boot/utility room extension to the rear. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03045/FULL and 21/03046/LBC Laurel House, The Street. Demolition of existing garage and construction of matching garage in the same location. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/03083/FULL Forest Farm, Nineveh Lane. Change of use of land from agricultural field to residential garden. The Parish Council supports this application.

August 2021

  • 21/02193/FULL Lower Standen Farm Standen Street. Conversion of a redundant Oast into a single residential dwelling together with a small extension, replacement of existing outbuilding and change of use of land to residential curtilage together with landscaping and ecological enhancements. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02298/FULL and 21/02299/LBC Clevelands The Street. Listed Building Consent: Proposed internal alterations to kitchen, larder and utility/boot room, installation of new window, replacement of one existing window and replacement of a window with patio doors, proposed patio area and new fencing. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02136/FULL Colebarn Farm Cottage Stepneyford Lane. Creation of terrace on south side; Living room extension with doors onto terrace; Insertion of door way from office out onto the terrace; Creation of wc & hand wash basin in former boiler space; Amalgamation of sperate wc and bathroom into single room with existing wc doorway blocked up, fittings renewed, systems updated, new extractor fan; Replacement windows and exterior doors; Electrical upgrade, including LED lighting where appropriate; Plumbing upgrade; New kitchen, existing configuration; Removal of oil powered central heating system and replacement with low energy electric panels; Additional loft insulation, as required; Make good exterior rendering and repaint; Replace gutter boards and gutters.  The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02441/FULL Moorwood Woodcock Lane. Conversion and extension of outbuilding to create annexe accommodation ancillary to the main dwelling. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21/01577/FULL Benton Farm, Dingleden. Provision of equestrian menage measuring 55m x 25m with silica sand and rubber chip topping with 3x rail wooden fencing.  The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02054/FULL Cattsford Farm, Dingleden. New agricultural building for use as animal welfare with open cattle shed & hay storage. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02014/FULL The Old Barn, Nineveh Lane. To dig a nature pond on agricultural ground. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02261/FULL St Georges Church. Upgrade the existing path between the village and the school. The Parish Council supports this application.

July 2021

  • 21/01966/FULL Yew Tree Barn, Mill Street, Iden Green. Proposed first floor rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01982/ FULL The Bothy, The Street. Alterations and extensions to convert existing bungalow to a two-storey dwellinghouse, creation of outdoor pool, conversion of existing barn to games room and artists studio. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01436/TPO Owlgate House Mill Street Iden Green. Trees: T1 (OAK) - Remove 3 lower limbs and reduce crown by 7ft. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02009/FULL Forest Farm, Nineveh Lane. Remodel existing house include; loft conversion with new pitched roof with dormers and roof lights; replacement windows and doors; new exterior weatherboard cladding; new porch; remove 4 no. outbuildings and replace with new home office, workshop & garden store building. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01973/FULL Under Mount , Cranbrook Road. Proposed extension and conversion of existing garage; Proposed two storey front extension; Proposed single storey rear extension; Proposed loft conversion with addition of rear dormers; Erection of proposed garage; Associated internal and external works. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/02098/LBC Laurel House, The Street. Replacement garage; Internal and external refurbishment works; Reinstatement and repointing of brickwork plinth; Replacement of 7 no. external joinery items into existing structural openings, repair of 1 no. window, insertion of 1 no. new window to rear elevation, replacement and relocation of 2 no. roof lights; Alteration and repair of existing rear chimney; Replacement of rainwater goods; Replacement of existing redundant external WC; Internal alterations to existing bathroom; Replacement of existing dormers; Replacement of existing roof finishes and weathering; Renovation of existing loft space; Associated internal and external renovation works; Replacement of 3 no. existing trees. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • KCC/TW/0135/2021 Benenden Wastewater Treatment Works, Walkhurst Road. Change of use of land to enable an upgrade and extension of the wastewater treatment works, to include construction and operation of above ground wastewater treatment plant; a ferric dosing kiosk, caustic dosing kiosk and Motor Control Centre kiosk; installation of site fencing and associated landscaping.  The Parish Council made no comment.
  • 21/01577/FULL Benton Farm, Dingleden. Provision of equestrian menage measuring 55m x 25m with silica sand and rubber chip topping with 3x rail wooden fencing. The Parish Council will consider a revised scheme to be submitted.
  • 21/02094/FULL and 21/02095/LBC Cattsford Dingleden. Single storey side extension and double storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

June 2021

  • 21/01205/FULL Waterden, Goddards Green Road. Resubmission and variation of the approved scheme 19/03030/FULL including different roof-light arrangement, roof finish, roofline of link, larger covered terrace to rear, fixed door rather than opening to rear of link (Part Retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01911/FULL and 21/01912/LBC Cattsford, Dingleden. Upgrade thermal performance of existing dwelling and internal alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01503/FULL The Parsonage , Cranbrook Road. Erection of single storey side extension; internal alterations to layout and fenestration; proposed replacement garage and extension of existing driveway. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21/01690/LBC 1 Corner Cottages, Cranbrook Road. Listed Building Consent: Amendments to approval under application reference 21/00203/LBC. Alterations to approved windows. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01369/FULL Oakdale, The Green. Erection of a tractor barn and store together with the construction of an access track. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21/01392/FULL Land Adjacent To 2 Hague Cottages, Coldharbour Road. Change of use of agricultural land to residential. Construction of two semi detached house, garages and new vehicular access. Redesign of the application approved under application number 20/02165/FULL. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20/03727/FULL and 20/03728/LBC Mill Street House, Mill Street. Timber orangery. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01035/FULL Walkhurst Farmhouse, New Pond Road. Proposed two storey extension; Erection of a detached car port. The Parish Council objects to this application.


  • 21/01082/FULL Pelham, Walkhurst Road.  Demolition of garage; proposed erection of ancillary building to be used as a workshop, home gym and living accommodation. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00967/FULL Part Of Reed Wood, Mill Street. Retention of a forestry building, retention of a mobile welfare unit in situ, retention of lean-to and proposed works to repair and maintain an existing access track (Part Retrospective). The Parish Council commented on this application.
  • 21/00313/FULL Barn Land Adjacent To Bankside, Dingleden. Replace existing dilapidated timber framed building with new maintaining existing use (Part Retrospective). The Parish Council commented on this application.
  • 21/00766/FULL The Garden House, Standen Street. Demolition of existing single garage; erection of detached 3 bay garage with room above; first floor rear extension with internal alterations changes to fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/01038/TPO 12 Vere Meadows. Oak – fell. The Parish Council objects to this application.


  • 20/03322/FULL 4 Medway Cottages, Woodcock Lane. Side and rear part single part two storey extension; addition of 4 no. rooflights; changes to fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00337/FULL Yew Tree Farm, Mill Street Change in use of land for the out of season retention of a single mobile home for seasonal workers accommodation. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00533/FULL Ramsden Farm House, Dingleden. Construction of greenhouse. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20/03267/FULL Cleveland Farm, Green Lane. Conversion of The Granary to form two residential units; Demolition of all other buildings on site and the erection of four new residential dwellings with associated landscaping. The Parish Council neither supports nor objects.
  • 21/00762/FULL Plum Tree Cottage, Halden Lane. Change of use from Agricultural (sheep farming) to Amenity Garden. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00809/FULL 6 Vere Meadows. Partial garage conversion. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00777/FULL Hopehouse Hens, Standen Street. Stationing of a mobile home & timber shed for an agricultural worker for a period of three years (Part Retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00911/FULL Standen Farmhouse, Standen Street. Erection of single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00992/FULL 12 Vere Meadows. Proposed single-storey rear extension including a log burner flue. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00870/FULL Hobbits, New Pond Road. Hip to gable extension with a dormer loft conversion to create a bedroom and W.C. with associated ground and first floor alterations; replacement porch. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 21/00239/FULL Weavers, Mill Street, Iden Green. Removal of Condition 5 (access); Condition 3 (Landscaping) of 15 503322 FULL. The Parish Council made no comment.
  • 21/00202/FULL 1 Corner Cottages, Cranbrook Road. Replace decomposed wooden roof over front door on like-for-like basis; repair render on some damaged first floor side façade panels; replace existing wooden fence to front; re-pave front parking with pebbles. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00203/LBC 1 Corner Cottages, Cranbrook Road. Listed Building Consent: Internal and external repairs and renovations to include; updating electric wiring and new distribution board (including smart meter), install dedicated water supply and replace metal piping with copper piping; install gas line (including smart meter) for new central heating combination boiler and oven in kitchen; replace all radiators and some piping; removal of partition stud wall in kitchen; construction of new stud wall in kitchen to create new utility room and toilet; underfloor heating; new flagstone floor in kitchen; alterations to bathroom; lay tiles in bathroom; repair plaster on walls and ceilings throughout the cottage; repaint walls and ceilings; clean existing brick and wood floors; wax wooden floors; replace decomposed wooden window on second floor, rear façade; replace decomposed wooden roof over front door on like-for-like basis; repair render on some damaged first floor side façade panels; replace existing wooden fence to front; repave front parking with pebbles. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00465/FULL Benenden Girls School, Cranbrook Road. Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) and 17 (Level Details) of Planning Permission 18/01131/FULL - Music Hall - Reduction to external ramp to basement level, Extent of plant screen, Removal of high level glazing and brickwork wall extended to parapet level, Courtyard/Amphitheatre Area - Removal of step in curved wall, School Hall - Geometry of metal fins, Removal of rooflight in link building, Removal of high level glazing. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21/00370/FULL Stable Cottage, The Green. Demolish and rebuild porch and rear conservatory; Reorganise internally to provide 3 bedrooms on ground floor and open plan kitchen, dining and living space on first floor; New windows to existing cottage and new extension to provide garden room and balcony. The Parish Council objects to this application.


  • 21 00221 FULL Land Adjacent To Springhill Oast, Standen Street Variation of Conditions 2 Approved Plans and 6 Landscaping and Ecology of Planning Permission 20 01041 FULL - Substitution of reinforced grass grid with loose pea shingle with treated timber edge. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21 00142 FULL Pelham, Walkhurst Road Extension to garage to provide workshop, home gym and living accommodation above. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21 00091 FULL Moorlands , Woodcock Lane. Erection of a garage / store. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 21 00130 FULL Twysden Cottage, Coldharbour Road. Demolition of existing shed and existing prefabricated double garage, replace with a traditional timber frame barn style garage and store; associated landscaping work. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 21 00293 FULL Stream Cottage, Coldharbour Road. Demolition of existing barn and erection of a replacement building for the creation of a single holiday let and the erection of incidental outbuilding. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 20 03492 FULL  and 20 03493 LBC Woodcock Inn, Woodcock Lane. Single storey rear extension and alterations to public house. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 03693 FULL The Old Barn, Nineveh Lane. Installation of automatic wooden gate on driveway. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 03727 FULL and 20 03728 LBC Mill Street House, Mill Street, Iden Green. Timber orangery. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 03741 FULL Green Briars, Cranbrook Road. First floor extension over existing garage. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 03267 FULL Cleveland Farm, Green Lane. Conversion of The Granary to form two residential units; Demolition of all other buildings on site and the erection of four new residential dwellings with associated landscaping. The Parish Council has made comments.


  • 20 03297 FULL and 20 03298 LBC Tilden Farm, Water Lane, Hawkhurst. Removal of outbuilding; Conversion of existing granary into a dwelling. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 03291 LBC Eaglesden, Mill Street. Existing boot room to be demolished and re-built; internal re-modelling; loft conversion; addition of rooflights; replacement of rain water goods. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 03185 Recreation Ground. Trees T1 (HORSE CHESTNUT) – Fell; T2 (OAK) – 15-25% Reduction; T3 (OAK) - Thin crown 15-20%. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 20 02962 FULL 8 Vere Meadows. Proposed porch; garage conversion. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02582 FULL 1 Bishopsdale Cottages , Bishopsden Road. Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans); Condition 3 (External Materials) of 20/00402/FULL - Addition of window to north west elevation and alterations to materials shown on plans. The Parish Council objects to this application.


  • 20 02385 FULL Bayeaux, Goddards Green Road. Removal of existing conservatory and porch; Single storey extension to form gym space and exercise pool; Single storey extension to kitchen; internal alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02621 FULL Collingwood Grange, The Green Single storey staff changing room. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02637 FULL 3 Victoria Cottages, Walkhurst Road Conversion of room above double garage to form 1 bed annex. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02661 FULL Shepherds Hey, Dingleden Proposed replacement dwelling. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00565 FULL Eaglesden, Mill Street, Iden Green. Demolition and re-build of boot room; renovation of existing barn; erection of carport with studio/gym above; loft conversion; insertion of roof lights. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 20 02061 FULL Barn At Balmoral Cottage, The Green. Change of use, conversion and alteration of existing barn to a single independent dwellinghouse, landscaping, gardens and parking.  The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02219 FULL Appleshaw, Dingleden Farm Road. Demolition of existing timber hay store and construction of replacement hay store and tractor shed. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02239 FULL Lower Standen Farm, Standen Street. Conversion of stables to annexe & new pool house. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02423 FULL Lower Standen Farm, Standen Street. Construction of a new single-storey rear and side  extension and related alterations of the existing dwelling house. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02234 FULL Pympne Manor, Pympne Road. Landscape improvement works around main house; including low level retaining walls, swimming pool and drive re-alignment. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02106 FULL Retrospective Hopehouse Hens, Standen Street. Erection of an agricultural storage building/workshop, Timber Field Shelter, Shipping container and shed. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02105 FULL Hopehouse Hens, Standen Street. Stationing of a mobile home for an agricultural worker for a period of three years. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02226 FULL Land Adjacent To St Annes, Standen Street. Proposed barn for the use of private equestrian stables, associated agricultural machinery, storage and welfare; Change of use of land for agriculture and for the keeping of horses. The Parish Council objects to this application.


  • 20 01960 FULL Pympne Manor, Pympne Road. Erection of new plantroom building. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02054 FULL Stream Cottage, Coldharbour Road. Conversion and change of use of a barn into a holiday let; erection of an incidental outbuilding. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 02103 FULL 20 02104 LBC The Old Barn, Frame Farm, Iden Green Road. Proposed pool enclosure. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 20 01516 FULL Wickets, The Green  Erection of single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00866 FULL 5 Cherryfields  Removal of flat roof dormer including walls and cheeks; rebuild to include pitched roof with gable end and the addition of one velux window. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01407 LBC The Old Barn, Nineveh Lane Installation of wood burning stove and flue into the living room, flue to go out through roof. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01360 TPO Goddards Green Barn, Goddards Green Road Trees: OAK (T1) - Crown raise to a height of 5.5 metres and remove dead wood. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01466 FULL Moorlands, Woodcock Lane Erection of a single garage / storage area. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 01500 LBC  Pympne Manor, Pympne Road Listed Building Consent - Change to external materials used for the new addition; Replacement of C20th front door GD1 with new oak door to detail; reuse of C20th salvaged door leaf at internal door opposite; Replacement of north door GD2 with new part-glazed door in painted hardwood to detail; reuse of salvaged door leaf within uncovered historic internal door opening; Exposure of medieval west wall of house; Removal of C20th fireplace surround in ground floor G3; Proposed plaster finish to C20th fireplace in study G13; Levelling of first floor bathroom floor; Additional section of weatherboard over-cladding for the northwest return of C18th range; Additional removable handrail to staircase matching existing details; Change from single to double dormer window at first floor master bathroom F11 (south elevation); Infill section to eastern bay of sliding doors (south elevation new range) to allow doors to open as a pair; Proposed fireplace & chimney at new range omitted. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01685 FULL Brewers Shaw, New Pond Road Creation of a hard surfaced court for private use, with surrounding fence and associated landscaping. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 01884 SUB Land Off Hinksden Road Submission of Details in Relation to Conditions 5 (Details of drainage and foul sewage disposal); 6 (Details of any external lighting) and 7 (Scheme for enhancement of biodiversity) of 20/00039/FULL. The Parish Council objects to the lighting scheme.


  • 20 01215 FULL Beacon Mill Cottage Rolvenden Road Conversion of an agricultural building into a residential dwelling and associated change of use of land to residential curtilage. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01265 FULL Land Adjacent To 2 Hague Cottages, Coldharbour Road20 01265 FULL Land Adjacent To 2 Hague Cottages, Coldharbour Road. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01267 FULL Netters Hall Attwaters Lane Hawkhurst Variation of Condition 2The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 20 00762 FULL 2 Eaglesden Cottages Mill Street Iden Green Five dormer windows added to existing garage roof. Insufficient information to be able to comment.
  • 20 01041 FULL Land Adjacent To Springhill Oast Standen Street Demolition of one poultry unit and conversion of the remaining poultry unit into two dwellings. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01043 FULL Goddards Green House Goddards Green Road Conversion of pool house into private gymnasium, changing room and bike store; conversion of outbuilding into a two bedroom annex.The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 01089 OUT Outline Application (Access not reserved) - Erection of 4 no. two storey detached dwellings with integral garaging facility, formation of new access drive and associated works. Land To The North West Of Broughton House , Rolvenden Road. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 01079 FULL Pullington Fold Farm, Rolvenden Road Proposed single storey rear extension with internal alterations; infill extension of existing front entrance; changes to fenestration, roof material alteration to slate and enlargement of existing raised platform. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 2001105 FULL Pippins, Cranbrook Road Proposed regularisation of workshop to annexe with erection of porch (retrospective). The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00970 FULL Havering House, Walkhurst Road Erection of greenhouse. The Parish Council objects to this application.


  • 19 03536 FULL Cranden Diamonds, Cranbrook Road. Revised details. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00708 FULL Land Adjacent To Bankside Dingleden. Replacement of agricultural building for use as Storage & Workshops (Retrospective). The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00749 FULL Freshwater, Cranbrook Road Demolition of garage and erection of Victorian style greenhouse potting shed; addition of hardstanding; erection of brick boundary wall. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00871 FULL Hengist House, Rolvenden Road Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of 17 02968 FULL (Conversion of loft space, front and rear extensions and conversion of garden store into annex) - Changes to rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00892 FULL  4 Medway Cottages Woodcock Lane Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00670 FULL Land Adjoining Columbanus, Parkfield Crescent, Iden Green Minor Material Amendment in Relation to 18/03282/FULL - Amendments to the window sizes; Removal of windows to the dormers with the addition of rooflights; Removal of Juliette balconies; Removal of Masonry chimney with a replacement by stainless steel twin flue; External render change to brick; Steel post added to the corner of the storm porch and above garage on plot 2; Removal of French doors on ground floor of all houses; Slight increase in dormer size to align with the ground floor below, with reasonable internal head height and the correct wall thickness drawn in plan; Plot 3 garage moved to create two open spaces; Redesign of parking spaces; Patio areas added to the rear of each plot.; LPG gas tanks added to each dwelling; Heights of all houses have been made equal; Photovoltaic panels for solar hot water confirmed; New hedgerow added in site layout plan. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 20 00202 FULL Gable End New Pond Road. Demolition of conservatory and erection of garden room. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00395 FULL Dix Gate  Cranbrook Road. Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension; Alterations to rear dormers; Replacement of existing timber cladding; Replacement of existing windows; Insertion of new windows and replacement doors to existing annexe. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00402 FULL 1 Bishopsdale Cottages Biddenden. Erection of summerhouse and garage. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00449 FULL Walkhurst Lodge Walkhurst Road. Demolition of conservatory and garage; erection of single storey rear extension; alteration of vehicular access; erection of two bay carport; erection of new gates and fenestration alterations. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 20 00460 LBC Crabtree House Course Horn Lane Listed Building Consent - blocking up of an existing ground floor window and insertion of a new window. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 19 03627 FULL Redhouse Barn Goddards Green Road. Conversion and extension of rural building and its curtilage to residential use, plus demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of new garage/stable building.  The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00077 FULL Appleshaw Dingleden Farm Road.  Proposed detached two bay garage and closing off of existing access.  The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00169 FULL Land West Of Pent House Rolvenden Road.  Proposed development of single chalet bungalow. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00225 FULL Shandys Stable Sarnden Farm Coldharbour Road.  Demolition of detached storage building and proposed single storey extension.  The Parish Council supports this application.


20/00308/TPO Glebe Field. Trees: COMMON OAK (3190)- To remove ivy around the base; SYCAMORE (3191) - To fell dead stem; COMMON OAK (3192) - To remove dead wood; COMMON OAK (3193) - Remove ivy from stem base;COMMON OAK (03245) - Remove broken branch. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 19 02899 FULL Land Adjacent To Ivydene The Street Proposed Off Road Parking To Serve Mersham Cottage. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 19 03480 OUT Land Rear Of Field House Standen Street Outline (all matters reserved except access) - erection of 7 dwellings with associated landscaping and new access through Field House. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 19 03604 FULL Land Adjacent To Springhill Oast Standen Street Demolition of one poultry unit and conversion of the remaining poultry unit into two dwellings. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 19 03536 FULL Cranden Diamonds Cranbrook Road Proposed Research and Development Building. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 20 00039  FULL Land Off Hinksden Road Erection of an agricultural building to be used for the storage of agricultural ,equipment and machinery, and creation of a farm track. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 19 03025 FULL Ramsden Farm Land & Buildings Dingleden Conversion, extension and change of use of existing barns into a single dwelling with associated parking and landscaping enhancements; minor extension to the existing. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 19 03227 FULL Trekkers Goddards Green Road Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling and detached garage. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 19 03289 FULL Barn To East Of Bikkel Goddards Green Road Demolition of two barns, conversion of agricultural building to residential dwelling, associated change of use of land to residential curtilage, erection of garage. The Parish Council supports this application.


  • 19 02892 FULL Hengist House Rolvenden Road.  Erection of home office. The Parish Council objects to this application.
  • 19 02905 FULL Netters Hall Attwaters Lane Hawkhurst. Demolition of concrete portal frame barns and conversion of redundant dairy building to three bedroom dwelling plus erection of detached garage and store. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 19 02913 FULL Campion House Standen Street. Installation of new oil tank within area of rear garden and associated works. The Parish Council makes no comment.
  • 19 03030 FULL Waterden Goddards Green Road. Replace an existing store room with a single storey games room, which will be connected to the side of the existing house including canopy to rear.  The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 19 02700 LBC Eaglesden Mill Street Iden Green. Listed Building Consent - Orangery to rear; seating area/steps/wall to rear; existing boot room to be demolished and re-built; internal re-modelling; loft conversion; addition of rooflights and erection of a car port with room above. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 19 03120 Appleshaw Dingleden Farm Road. Erection of two storey link between existing house and existing garage; continuation of roofslope to front/front/side extension to infill corner of living room; garage conversion. The Parish Council supports this application.
  • 19 02982TPO Oakdale The Green Benenden. Trees: OAK (T1) - Reduce in height by approximately 8-10 feet; OAK (T2) - Prune lower branches on the south side of the tree to reduce loading, plus removal of two dead branches. The Parish Council makes no comment.


19 01516 FULL Land South Of Goddards Green Barn Goddards Green Road  Erection of agricultural pole barn and store building and septic tank (Retrospective). The Parish Council unanimously objects to this application.

19 02209 FULL Benenden Hospital  Goddards Green Road  Variation of Condition 2 of 14/505641/FULL and Condition 1 of 17/00951/FULL (approved plans) - amendment to access arrangements for retained Orchard House. The Parish Council unanimously supports this application.

19 02447 FULL Hinxden Farm Hinksden Road  Erection of an agricultural building to be used for the storage of agricultural equipment and machinery, and creation of a farm track. The Parish Council objects to this application.

19 02590 FULL Middle Standen Standen Street  Proposed conversion of existing stable/outbuilding into an Annex.  The Parish Council supports this application.

19 02694 FULL 19 02695 LBC Woodcock Inn Woodcock Lane  Widening of ground floor window opening replaced with timber single glazed unit, new small window on rear elevation in existing opening, first floor window to rear elevation installed by a previous owner and new conservation roof window (retrospective).  The Parish Council makes no comment.

19 02254 FULL 2 Beech House Golford Road  Erection of garden structure with clay tile roof (retrospective). The Parish Council makes no comment.


19 01180 FULL Toy Box Eaglesden Farm Mill Street change of use from agricultural work shop to toy shop. The Parish Council supports this application.

19 01965 FULL Pullington Fold Farm Rolvenden Road Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 18/03573/FULL. The Parish Council supports this application.

19 02064 LBC Campion House Standen Street  Removal of single skin brickwork inner chimney breast, coal burning fireplace, white paint; installation of log burning stove and independent steel flue within inglenook fireplace; removal of a non-functioning floor standing coal boiler within the smaller fireplace; installation of log burning stove and independent steel flue; installation of new floor standing oil boiler and external steel flue within existing lean-to side element; installation of new oil tank within area of rear garden.  The Parish Council supports the general details of this application however it feels that a different solution must be found for dealing with flue gases.

19 02318 FULL King Charles Cottage  Mill Street Erection of rear and front extensions and a porch, reconfiguration of existing roof form and, addition of a log burner flue.  The Parish Council objects to this application.

19 02328 SUB Benenden Girls School  Submission of details in relation to Condition 9 (External Lighting) of 18/01131. The Parish Council supports this application but requests motion sensors and timers to ensure that lights are not on all night.


19/01051/FULL King Charles Cottage, Mill Street. Increase in height of proposed development to enable the creation of a first floor bedroom. The Parish Council objects to this application.

19/01317/FULL Wickets, The Green. Erection of attached single storey garden room. The Parish Council supports this application.

19/01481/FULL 1 Bishopsdale Cottages, Biddenden. Erection of single storey summerhouse and garage in rear garden (retrospective). The Parish Council objects to this application.

19/01582/LBC Woodcock Inn, Woodcock Lane. Retrospective application for lining interior walls with insulation and plasterboard. The Parish Council made no comment.

19/01583/FULL Woodcock Inn, Woodcock Lane. Retrospective application for the demolition of existing garage and erection of close boarded boundary fencing. The Parish Council made no comment.

19/01630/FULL Pelham, Walkhurst Road.  Extension to garage to provide garden store and living accommodation above, Juliette balcony to rear. The Parish Council supports this application.

19/01378/FULL Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 16/504891/FULL Amendments to road and kerb radii to suit access/egress/turning for refuse vehicles. Removal of pumping station as not required. Lack of detail to reach a decision.

19/01697/SUB Submission of Details in relations to Conditions 6 (Landscape Scheme), 10 (External Lighting Details), 14 (Means of Enclosure Details) and 16 (Lighting Scheme) of 16/504891/FULL

19/01599/SUB Submission of details in relation to Condition 3 (Details of Materials) of 16/504891/FULL

TW/17/3344/R15 (KCC/TW/0061/2018) Land South of Rolvenden Road

17/06/19 19 00903 FULL School Farm Cranbrook Road.  Change of use of part of office building to residential use. The Parish Council had no comment to make.

17/06/19  19 01281 FULL Benenden Hospital Goddards Green Road.  Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) and Condition 3 (External Materials) of 16/07874/FULL - remove MARITRANS product description and replace with ICB FLEET product description; Change to permitted materials. The Parish Council had no comment to make.

17/06/19  19 00818 FULL 19 00819 LBC  Pympne Manor Pympne Road. Repairs and alterations to house including demolition of later West service range and loggia, boiler room and small outbuilding/shed and the replacement of the service range and loggia with a new kitchen and bedroom range. The Parish Council supports this application.

17/06/19 19 00975 FULL  19 00976 LBC  Crabtree House Course Horn Lane.  Alterations to Grade II Listed house and new garage. The Parish Council had no comment to make.

17/06/19  19/01065/FULL Land Adjoining Columbanus Parkfield Crescent Iden Green.  Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of 18/03282/FULL - Alteration to site layout to reduce detached garages from three to two, change one remaining garage position, create an integral garage for plot 2, alter road access layout and extend front gardens for Plots 2 and 3. The Parish Council had no comment to make.


20/05/19  19 00609 FULL 1 Chequer Tree Cottages Rolvenden Road.  Two storey rear extension with single storey rear/side element; replacement rooflights to rear. The Parish Council supports this application.

20/05/19   KCC TW 0098 2019 at Land south of Rolvenden Road. Application to amend condition 24 of planning permission TW/17/3344 to vary the times of construction work. The Parish Council supports this application.

16/05/19 19 00822 HYBRID Land Adjacent Rothermere Close Walkhurst Road  Hybrid Application - Outline (Access not reserved) - Development comprising of the erection of 13 dwellings; Full - Erection of 12 Almshouses together with accesses, parking, landscaping and drainage

16/05/19  19 00522 FULL White Lodge, Cranbrook Road  Erection of two storey extension to south elevation; addition of sun pipes and alterations to fenestration. The Parish Council supports this application.

16/05/19  19 00779 FULL Beacon Hall House  Rolvenden Road  Conversion of stables into detached dwelling. The Parish Council supports this application.

15/04/19  19 00362 OUT Land At Standen Street Benenden Outline application (access, layout and scale only) for five dwellings. The Parish Council objects to this application.

15/04/19  19 00425 FULL Apple Garth Cranbrook Road Single storey front extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

15/04/19  19 00321 FULL Pheasant Lodge Standen Street Erection of single storey side extension.  The Parish Council supports this application.

15/04/19  18 03409 FULL Land Rear Of Field House Standen Street  Construction of 9 dwellings.  The Parish Council objects to this application.

15/04/19  19 00457 FULL Willow Barn, Bishopsdale, Biddenden  Proposed side extension and dormers. The Parish Council supports this application.

15/04/19  19 00770 MOD106 Shandys Stable, Sarnden Farm, Coldharbour Road Application to discharge S106 agreement. The Parish Council supports this application.

18/02/19  19/00037 FULL Broomhill Dingleden.  Erection of a detached cart shed garage.  The Parish Council supports this application.

18/02/19  18/03264 FULL Tumbledown Cottage.  Chapel Lane  Two storey extension to rear east elevation and dormer window to side south elevation. The Parish Council supports this application.

18/02/19  18/03864 FULL Ryecroft Chapel Lane.  Erection of new entrance gate.  The Parish Council supports this application.

18/02/19  18/03810/FULL Redhouse Barn  Goddards Green Road.  Conversion and extension of rural building and its curtilage to residential use, plus demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of new garage/stable building.  The Parish Council objects to this application.

18/02/19  19/00011/FULL Cotts Farm.  Stationing of a mobile home in connection with land and buildings at Cott Farm.  The Parish Council supports this application.

16/01/19  18/03812/FULL Dingleden Farm  Dingleden Farm Road.  Conversion of agricultural building to private dwelling. The Parish Council supports this application.

16/01/19  18 03573 FULL Pullington Fold Farm  Rolvenden Road. Proposed conversion of existing barn, change of use of land along with ecological and landscape enhancements. The Parish Council supports this application.

16/01/19  18 03941 FULL Land Adjacent Telephone Exchange New Pond Road. Erection of 4 dwellings. The Parish Council supports this application subject to KCC Highways support regarding access.

10/12/18  18 03409 FULL Land Rear Of Field House Standen Street. Construction of nine dwellings with associated access, and highways improvements and associated landscaping. The Parish Council objects to this application.

19/11/18  18 02716 FULL The Barn, Dingleden. Erection of a single storey en-suite and utility room side extension & single storey dining/garden room with link to existing house. The Parish Council neither supports nor objects to this application.

19/11/18  18 03176 FULL King Charles Cottage,  Mill Street. Proposed single storey 2 bedroom dwelling, associated parking and landscaping.  The Parish Council objects to this application.

19/11/18  18 03263 LBC Ryecroft, Chapel Lane. Alterations to approved application 18/00216/LBC including internal layout, fenestration and rainwater goods.

19/11/18  18 03282 FULL Land Adjoining Columbanus Parkfield Crescent Iden Green. Erection of 3 detached dwellings and associated garages. The Parish Council supports this application.

19/11/18  18 03366 TPO Oakdale, The Green. Oak - Reduce and tidy in order to rebalance, following considerable wind damage resulting in loss of limbs. The Parish Council supports this application.

15/10/18 18 02863 FULL Mill Street House Mill Street - Proposed part demolition and erection of proposed ancillary building and garage incidental to main dwelling.  The Parish Council supports this application.

15/10/18 18 02890 FULL Lake House  Cranbrook Road - Demolition of existing garage and shed and the erection of a replacement garage.  The Parish Council supports this application.

15/10/18 18 02911 FULL Willow Barn Biddenden - Proposed side and front extensions, including dormers and roof lights.  The Parish Council supports this application.

17/09/18 18 02560 FULL Brewers Shaw New Pond Road - Single storey timber orangery to replace existing conservatory. The Parish Council supports this application.

17/09/18 18 02626 FULL Pippins Cranbrook Road - Proposed extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

17/09/18 18 02707 FULL Stoney Footways Cranbrook Road - Construction extension to first floor over existing flat roof. The Parish Council supports this application.

17/09/18 18 02504 FULL Old Tiles Walkhurst Road - Two-storey rear extension (removal of existing structure); conversion of existing garage to living accommodation and erection of a cart shed with store. The Parish Council supports this application.

16/07/18 18 01841 FULL 5 Orchard Court The Street - Single storey rear/side/front extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

18/06/18 18 01453 FULL – Cranden Diamonds Cranbrook Road – Erection of a first floor office extension. The Parish Council supports this application.

18/06/18 18 01632 FULL – Havering House Walkhurst Road – Proposed rear extension with alterations to existing dwelling including improvements to the external appearance and replacement garage. The Parish Council supports this application, but would prefer to see clay rather than slate roof tiles.

21/05/18  18 00476 FULL OS Plot 6537 Walkhurst Road Demolition of outbuildings and erection of a new detached dwelling. The Parish Council opposes this application.

21/05/18  18 01219 FULL Springhill Farm Standen Street Proposed new garage and store. The Parish Council supports this application.

21/05/18  18 00919 FULL Unit 14 Apple Pie Farm Change of use of warehouse to provide activity classes with additional gym equipment. The Parish Council supports this application.

21/05/18  18 01457 FULL 1 Hilltop Cottages Dingleden Erection of two storey side extension with room in roof space, associated hip to gabling of main roof, roof lights & changes to fenestration. Removal of existing conservatory and creation of patio and steps to rear. The Parish Council supports this application.